Thursday 2 February 2012

Guest Post: Feel Beautiful Being You!

A few weeks ago I was approached by Jackie Clark, who does outreach for the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance, a leading web resource for mesothelioma cancer. Jackie has always had a passion for fashion-from shoes to makeup, nail polish to handbags, and everything in between! Coupled with that is belief that all women need to feel beautiful, no matter what circumstances they may be facing. So without further ado...

Feel Beautiful Being You!
By: Jackie Clark

Beauty comes from within. Women around the world have been told that beauty is only skin deep – it is what is inside us that truly counts. Cliché as it may seem, it is indeed the truth. Besides, everyone, everywhere is beautiful in his or her own unique way. It is one of the miracles of life: there are no two people alike, and for that reason we are all lovely, unique creatures with special talents and gifts.

Cancer does not have to take away from your beauty. In fact, it can make you more gorgeous than you already are. There are many ways to showcase your natural highlights; like smiling. Smiling is a stunning asset that everyone – young or old, male or female – can use. An unknown author once said, “I’ve never seen a smiling face that is not beautiful.” How true!

Grey Livingston said, “Beauty comes as much from the mind as from the eye.” And while this is extremely true, using cosmetic products like makeup can highlight the beautiful features you already have. For example, everybody blushes at one point or another. It is an attractive feature of the feminine cheek. A light sweep of blush across the apples of your cheek will create the illusion of perpetual rosy cheeks. Not only that, but it will bring out the color of your eyes. Your eyes are the most useful aspect of your body, beauty-wise. They adorn the face like jewelry, and they can be dressed up or down, so to speak. Eye makeup can light up the entire façade. A simple sweep of eyeliner or eye shadow brings out the color in your eyes and makes them look larger and more opalescent. A quick brush of mascara across the lashes will also brighten the look of eyes. It is an easy, quick way to look put-together.

Mesothelioma is a difficult illness to deal with. Enduring treatment, visiting doctors, and dealing with a negative prognosis can all seemingly take away from the joy of living. But a positive attitude and a fighting spirit can overcome any bad circumstance. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is one of the keys to fighting cancer and emerging victorious.

Whether it’s hair loss or feeling sick, putting a little effort into your appearance can make your spirit buoy. Modern technology renders the most authentic looking wigs. Maybe you’ll wear that hairstyle you’ve always wanted. Take the chance to flaunt your confidence – nothing says, “I’m gorgeous” like having a confident attitude towards everything: life, love and self-image.

Couple makeup with beautiful clothing and you can’t help but feel beautiful. Wear your favorite clothes everyday! Dress up for casual occasions making them special to you. Wear the daring outfit you’ve always wanted. However, remember no matter what you are beautiful with our without cancer.

I know that there are lots of you who know someone, or related to someone who has had to deal with cancer so I hope you have enjoyed Jackie's article. 

Till next time,


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